Vagas de Emprego
1559 Durability Feature Leader (18603)

1559 Durability Feature Leader (18603)

Sobre a vaga de emprego

-Degree in Engineering, preferably Mechanical.
-Proven experience with instrumentation (strain gauges and accelerometers), data acquisition, and data analysis (fatigue, vibration, and test correlation).
-Hands-on experience conducting physical endurance (fatigue) tests in both laboratory and proving grounds.
-Proficiency in simulation and virtual (structural) analysis.
-Strong customer and end-user orientation.
-Leadership and coordination skills that inspire confidence.
-Excellent communication skills to establish cooperative relationships.
-Strong organizational skills with a structured approach to task completion.
-Advanced verbal and written proficiency in English.
-Willingness to travel both nationally and internationally.
-Analytical skills with a focus on problem-solving.

-Drive the verification and validation of components, systems, and complete vehicles in collaboration with design departments.
-Define actions and acceptance criteria to achieve project durability targets and meet customer requirements.
-Perform simulations, calculations, and physical tests, including bench tests and complete vehicle tests.
-Analyze data and improve processes to better understand customer usage and expectations.
-Conduct measurements, bench testing, and virtual simulations.
-Work closely with the Test Engineering team to refine testing methods and codes.
-Identify verification needs for new technologies.
-Bring creativity and innovation to optimize processes and ensure effective results.

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